Amman – During a phone interview with Radio Amen FM, Dr. Salim Sharif of MEU spoke to Manarat about cyberbullying, where he talked about how many adolescents are bullied not only directly within and outside schools, but also through social platforms. He explained that there are people who use aliases to practice cyberbullying by writing negative or harmful comments.
He stressed the importance of researching the phenomenon of cyberbullying and analysing the causes behind it. In addition, he emphasized the importance of collaborative work in raising awareness about electronic bullying by organizing regular campaigns at schools and universities about the risks of cyberbullying, in order to urge students to avoid engaging in it and follow positive strategies to interact instead.
Moreover, he said that cyberbullying reflects the psychological state and the kind of raising the child or the adolescent received. It might also reflect crises in their lives that resulted from violence, deprivation, subjugation or fear that they suffer, and to which they react by rebellion and violence that they in turn practice on others.
Towards the end of the interview, Dr. Sharif pointed out the importance of opening a space for dialogue between parents and their children, as this would help reveal whether the child is a bully or a victim of bullying. Leaving any negative phenomenon without solution, he explained, would lead to it dispersing and becoming more difficult to contain.