The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Middle East University presented a comprehensive and integrated vision of the pivotal role of investment in technology and entrepreneurship in promoting economic and social development.
This was conveyed during a meeting with the Minister of Youth, Eng. Yazan Al-Shdeifat, in the presence of directors and representatives of entrepreneurship and innovation centres in Jordanian universities.
In this regard, the centre stated that technology and entrepreneurship are a principal catalyst for economic growth, creating quality employment opportunities in accordance with the evolving demands of the labour market. It emphasised the necessity of formalising the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation centres and the Ministry of Youth to establish an effective and influential partnership that ensures the realisation of the royal visions, which prioritise the development of youth capabilities and the utilisation of their energies in the process of construction and development.
He highlighted the necessity of institutionalising this collaboration through the development of joint strategic plans and the implementation of well-considered programmes. These should equip a generation of young people with the confidence to meet future challenges and facilitate a qualitative shift in the concept of entrepreneurship, which is pivotal for national advancement.