Course description
- Principles of Management, Course No.:0391101
Explore the role of managers in organizations: analyzing their importance, levels, and functions, the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency, management roles and skills, understand foundational theories; Investigate planning processes, goal setting; Identify organizational design, the factors influencing structure and strategy; Delve into leadership theories, current issues shaping leadership practices in the twenty-first century; Understand the importance of monitoring and control, exploring methods for measuring performance, addressing modern challenges in maintaining control within organizations.
- Management Information Systems, Course No.: 0321301
Information Systems in Business Today: Understanding the role of modern information systems in improving business operations; Global E-business and Collaboration: Exploring how businesses leverage digital platforms to enable global collaboration; Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy: Examining how information systems impact organizational structures; Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems: Addressing the ethical, social, and legal implications of information systems; Foundations of Business Intelligence: Introduction to databases; E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods: Understanding the dynamics of online markets; Knowledge Management: Examining systems that capture, store, and share organizational knowledge; Enhancing Decision Making: Understanding how decision support systems.
- Human Resource Management, Course No. 0322101, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.: 0321101
Introduction to Human Resource Management; Strategic Human Resource Management; Human Resource Planning and Forecasting; Job Analysis and Design; Recruitment and Selection; Employee Training and Development; Performance Management; Compensation and Benefits; Employee Relations and Communication; Employee Relations and Communication; HR Metrics and Analytics; Legal and Ethical Considerations in HRM; Future Trends in Human Resource Management; Integrating Human Resource Management Practices.
- Organization Behaviour, Course No.: 032210 3, Prerequisites, Course Name: Human Resource Management, Course No.: 0322101.
Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace, Diversity in Organizations, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction, Emotions and Moods, Personality and Values, Perception and Individual Decision Making, Motivation Concepts, Understanding Work Teams, Leadership, Organizational Culture.
- Business Communication, Course No.: 0322103, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.: 0321101
Communication within a business context: effective business communication; sharing information and understanding; professional communication in a digital, social, mobile world; using technology to improve business communication; ethical communication; communication challenges in a diverse, global marketplace; being sensitive to audience needs; maintaining standards of etiquette: communicating effectively in teams, improving the listening skills; writing effective and persuasive messages in present-day business contexts: developing persuasive business messages, balancing emotional and logical appeals; planning reports and proposals: applying the three-step writing process to reports and proposals; enhancing oral communication; designing and delivering oral and online presentations.
- Public Relations, Course No.: 0322101, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.: 0321101
Introduction to Public Relations: A Global Industry of public relations; Public relations definition, process, and challenges: The Diversity of Public Relations Work; Public Relations Departments and Firms: Corporate Structure Shapes the Public Relations Role; Public Relations Departments and Firms: Public Relations as Staff Functions; Evaluation: Evaluation as the fourth step to public relations; Public Opinion and Persuasion: Define public opinion and identify elements that influence it; Conflict Management: Dealing with Issues, Risks, and Crises: Express the key components of strategic conflict management; The Internet and Social Media: Analyze the Internet as a communication revolution, List the changes brought by social media in public relations strategy, Analyze the revolution brought by mobile-enabled content and how it affects services in the Public Relations domain.
- Crises and Change Management, Course No.: 0322202, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.: 0321101
Introduction to change management; From trial and error to the science of management; Developments in organization theory; The Culture-Excellence paradigm; Alternative paradigms; Critical perspectives on organization theory; Culture, power, politics and choice; Approaches to strategy; Planned change and Organization Development (OD); Developments in change management; A framework for change; Organizational change and managerial choice.
- Organizational Theory, Course No.: 0323101, Prerequisites, Course Name: Human Resource Management, Course No.: 0322101.
Illustrate the fundamentals of organizations and their design: identify organization’s dimensions such as structure, effectiveness, and performance; display the interplay between strategy and organization: follow the strategic direction, execute strategic frameworks; assess various organizational structures: functional, divisional, geographic and matrix designs, considering the impact of size and lifecycle stages; assess the external environment’s influence on organizations: illustrate task and general environments; infer the roles of organizational culture and control systems in shaping behavior: calibrate culture, organization design and control systems; assess decision-making processes: demonstrate types of decisions, organizational decision making; assess sources of conflict and dynamics of power and politics: specify political processes in organizations, tactics for Increasing Power.
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Course No.: 0323102, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.:
Entrepreneurs recognize opportunities; Entrepreneurial pathways / franchising; Finding opportunity in an existing business; The business plan: road map to success; The business plan: road map to success; Creating business from opportunity; Creating business from opportunity; Developing the right marketing mix and plan; Understanding and managing start-up, fixed, and variable costs; Operating a Small Business Effectively; Project presentations.
- Managerial governance, Course No.: 0323201, Prerequisites, Course Name: Human Resource Management, Course No.: 0322101.
Introduction to corporate governance: the importance of corporate governance in today’s business environment, principles of corporate governance; corporate governance rationale and elements; environmental, social, and governance framework; international corporate governance; board of directors: selection, duties, liabilities, compensation, removal, strategy, performance measurement, and risk management; chief executive officer: selection, turnover and succession planning; executive: compensation, incentives and equity ownership; governance: financial reporting, internal and external audit; the market for corporate control governance: accountability and ethics; shareholders and shareholder activism; stakeholders and stakeholder activism.
- Business Ethics and social responsibility, Course No.: 0323202, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.:
Ethics issues within today’s business context; Understanding Ethics; Defining Business Ethics; Organizational Ethics; Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Governance; Blowing the Whistle; Ethics & Technology; Ethics & Globalization; Making it Stick: Doing What’s Right in a Competitive.
- Production and Operations Management, Course No.: 0323301, Prerequisites, Course Name: Operation research, Course No.:
Introduction to Operations management; Production and productivity analysis; Operations Strategy; Forecasting; Design of Goods and Services; Process Strategy; Location Strategies; Layout Decisions; Supply Chain Management; Inventory Management; Short-Term Scheduling.
- Supply Chain Management, Course No.: 0323401, Prerequisites, Course Name: Principles of Management, Course No.:
Supply Chain management outlines Building a strategic framework, analysis, supply chains, understanding, supply chain, performance, strategic fit, scope, drivers, metrics, design, supply chain network, distribution networks, applications, online sales, network design; global supply chain networks, planning, coordination; demand; supply; forecasting; aggregate planning
- Knowledge Management, Course No.: 0324101, Prerequisites, Course Name: Management Information Systems, Course No.:
Introduction to Knowledge Management; The Knowledge Management Cycle; Knowledge Management Models; Knowledge Capture and Codification; Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice; Knowledge Application; The Role of Organizational Culture; Knowledge Management Tools; Knowledge Management Strategy; The Value of Knowledge Management; Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory; The KM Team; Future Challenges for KM.
- International Business, Course No.: 0324102, Prerequisites, Course Name: Human Resource Management, Course No.:
Globalization and International; The Cultural Environments Facing Business; Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements; Country Evaluation and Selection; Export and Import Strategies; Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management; International Human Resource Management.
- Strategic Management, Course No.: 0324103, Prerequisites, Course Name: International Business, Course No.: 0324102 and Course Name: Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Course No.: 0323102.
Strategic Management Essentials: Defining Strategic Management, Stages of Strategic Management, Strategy Formulation and, Strategy implementation and Strategy evaluation, Key Terms in Strategic Management, The Strategic-Management Model; Strategic Planning outside USA: The nature of doing business globally including language and labor union issues, the advantages and disadvantages of doing business globally, the global challenge facing firms and why this is a strategic issue; Types of Strategies: Integration Strategies and Intensive Strategies and Diversification Strategies and Defensive Strategies and Porter’s Five Generic Strategies; The vision statement, Mission Statement, Mission Statement Components, Example Mission Statements; The Process of Generating and Selecting Strategies, The Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix; The Nature of Strategy Implementation :Types of Resources, Matching Structure With Strategy; Strategy Evaluation,: Measuring Organizational Performance, Corrective Actions, The Balanced Scorecard, Contingency Planning.
- Project Management, Course No.: 0324301, Prerequisites, Course Name: Operation research, Course No.:
Project management introduction; Project Scope & Time Management: Project Scope & Time Management; Project Cost & Quality Management; Project facilitating functions; Project Management Agility; Students Projects & Presentations
- Total Quality Management, Course, No.: 0324302, Prerequisites, Course Name: Production and Operations Management, Course No.:
Introduction in Total Quality Management; Basic Concepts; What is quality management; Total quality management and change; Organizing total quality management; Focused on customer; Leadership; Strategic management for quality; Human resources in quality management; Relations with suppliers; Quality costs; Continuous Improvement; Total quality management applications; Statistical adjustment of quality: quality awards; Quality systems: Six Sigma methodology.
- Electronic Business, Course No.: 0324303, Prerequisites, Course Name: Management Information Systems, Course No.: 0321301.
Introduction to E-commerce business; E- commerce business infrastructure; E-commerce business Strategies; E-commerce business Security and Payment Systems; Building an E-commerce business Presence; E-commerce business Marketing and Advertising
- Business Analytics, Course No.: 0324304, Prerequisites, Course Name: Operation research, Course No.:
Introduction to Business Analytics; Database Analytics; Data Visualization; Descriptive Statistics; Probability Distributions and Data Modeling; Sampling and Estimation; Statistical Inference; Trendlines and Regression Analysis; Forecasting Techniques; Introduction to Data Mining; Spreadsheet Modeling and Analysis; Monte Carlo Simulation and Risk Analysis; Linear Optimization.
- Graduation Project, Course No.: 0324501, Prerequisites;100 Credit Hours
The Graduation Project is the culminating course for students pursuing their undergraduate degree in [management]. This course provides students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills gained throughout their studies to solve real-world problems or contribute to ongoing research within their field. Students will undertake an independent project, guided by a faculty advisor, and are expected to demonstrate their ability to design, implement, and present a comprehensive solution or research outcome.
- Computer Application in Management, Course No.: 0323302, Prerequisites, Course Name: Management Information Systems, Course No.:
Introduction to computers applications; The role of IT in business strategies; Types of the variables; Starting using Excel software; Visualizing data using excel software; Using excel in the basic descriptive statistics; using excel in the Correlations and regression analysis issues; Using excel software in operations management; Advanced Topics in Using Excel in Business