Amman: A delegation from Iraq visited the Middle East University with a view to strengthening cooperation frameworks between the two countries and expanding the horizons of partnership in the academic and research fields.
The delegation included a member of the Education Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Iraqi MP Toumaa Al-Lahibi, and the Secretary General of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Safwan Bashir Al-Jarjari. The delegation was received by the university’s President, Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, along with her Vice President, Prof. Ahmad Al-Louzi, and Assistant to the President, Prof. Tamara Nasereddin.
During the meeting, Prof. Al-Mahadin emphasised the necessity to advance in order to achieve effective investment in its academic and research capabilities, strengthen relations with educational institutions in the region, and consolidate the status of higher education as a bridge for cultural and knowledge communication.
The member of the Education Committee, MP Prof. Nasereddin, emphasised the significance of knowledge exchange between educational institutions in Jordan and Iraq, highlighting His Majesty King Abdullah II’s profound commitment to education, given its pivotal role in achieving sustainable social and economic development. She further underscored that such meetings contribute to the integration of science and culture between the two nations, serving the common interests of both.
During the meeting, the Iraqi delegation lauded the university’s advancements, characterising the Jordanian experience in higher education as a paradigm to be emulated. They emphasised that this visit had forged new avenues for collaborative endeavours that would be mutually beneficial to students and faculty members in both countries.
During an exploratory tour of the university’s facilities, the delegation was furnished with a comprehensive briefing on the university’s state-of-the-art academic and research capabilities. This encompassed classrooms equipped with cutting-edge technology, specialised laboratories, and the central library, which serves as a prominent hub of knowledge for students and faculty members.
The delegation conveyed their profound admiration for the remarkable advancements accomplished by the university in the domains of education and scientific research; they further emphasised their aspiration to foster enhanced collaborative ties between the two nations.