About the Department

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The Department of English Language and Literature offers three academic Programmes:

B.A in English Language and Literature, B.A in Applied Translation, and M.A in English Language and Literature.


About the Program (B.A in English Language and Literature)

The B.A. in English Language and Literature program at MEU offers a wide variety of compulsory and elective courses on variable topics including literature, language, translation, and teaching methods, covering (135) credit hours. With the objective of producing distinguished graduates, the department endeavours to provide a stimulating academic environment in which students are encouraged to think critically and creatively. After a successful completion of the program requirements, students are expected to:

  1. communicate effectively in English.
  2. think creatively and critically.
  3. read and interpret texts drawing upon variable literary and language theories.
  4. translate texts from Arabic into English and vice versa.
  5. make professional decision based on self-determined goals.
  6. contribute towards the improvement of community.


About the Programme (B.A in Applied Translation)

The Bachelor’s Programme in Applied Translation is a specialized programme that provides the necessary foundation and educational experience for students who aspire to be effective and qualified translator, covering (135) credit hours. The programme provides theoretical and practical materials in addition to field training in translation and interpretation. It consists of basic language skills courses in English and Arabic in addition to different translation analytical approaches at the phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and discourse levels. The programme offers courses in proofreading and specialized types of translation such as legal and technical translations. The programme also keeps pace with the latest technologies in the field of translation by including courses concerned with translation computer skills and translation memory software such as Trados and WinCAPS as well as simultaneous and audiovisual translation. Students will also have the chance to study localization of computer games which is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The programme does not only offer courses in English-Arabic translation but also introduces French to enable students to translate documents from Arabic into French and vice versa. Graduates may have careers in education, translation and interpretation, media, public relations, journalism, government and private institutions.


About the Programme (M.A in English Language and Literature).

The M.A. in English Language and Literature program at MEU offers a unique blend of courses in literature, language, translation and research methods. The program aims at producing graduates who are able to use English language effectively, publish academic research independently, and think creatively. Students who join the program can choose between the Thesis Track and the Comprehensive Track as follows:


  • The thesis track, in which students write a thesis on a selected topic in literature, language, translation, or teaching methods in addition to undertaking (24) credit hours. The total is (33) credit hours.
  • The comprehensive track in which students must pass (33) credit hours in addition to passing a comprehensive examination in three major fields in the program.